The Partition of 1947


About Partition 

The partition was outlined in the Indian Independence Act 1947 and Resulted in the dissolution of the British Raj Crown in India. The two self governing independence dominions of India and Pakistan legally came into existence at midnight on 15th August 1947.

India Chose to become a Secular Country

Partition was enacted by the Indian Independence Act 1947 which led to the end of The British Raj.
Pakistan became an independent country on 14th of August 1947 whereas India got independence a day later and both the side paid huge prize.

i) Violence broke out
ii) Brutality & Killing
iii) Families were uprooted from the soil of their ancestors.

And due to this we are still paying the prize.

All the while, communal violence coast escalating. estimates of the death toll post-partition range from 200,000 to 2 million. Many were killed by members of other communities.

Though communal violence is not new to India But... Something is different now.
If we talk about today's scenario processions rarely connected to riots, are now being used for creating them. The religious neutrality of the government in several state is rapidly eroding.

The first major riots between Hindus and Muslims after bloodshed of partition in 1947 occurred in Jabalpur in Madhya Pradesh in 1961 Ahmedabad riots in 1969 and recent incident of Udaipur shocked the entire country.

If we see the one side we will observe that there are many reasons which is 'instigating a communal riots.

1) Turf was for dominance by religious heads.

2) Struggle for identity or class conflict

3) Irresponsible reporting by media.

4) Most important growing intolerance level.

But this is what I am talking about one side story while in some places, people have set examples of brotherhood as Muslims offered welcome drinks to Hindus and Hindu priests embraced their Muslim brothers by allowing them to break their fast inside the temple premises.

Ramadan the holy month of Islam coincides with the Hindu festival of Ram Navami and Hanuman Jayanti, This is what India we actually desire.
India's growing extremism has threatened its secular, diverse and democratic principle.
But... we need to focus on bright side and disseminate the feelings of brotherhood, peace, love and hope.

Because we are the one

We are the people of India

We are Indians.

Jai Hind.


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